Cosmetic dentist Adams Ridge
Whatever aesthetic concerns you have about your teeth, chances are they can addressed effectively with veneers. That goes for chips and cracks; misshapen, poorly-sized, or crooked teeth; discolored teeth; and even too much spacing between teeth. Having a smile that you're comfortable with is important or your confidence and your self-esteem. It can have a positive impact at work and in your personal life. At the office of George Cochran DDS, you'll get the veneers that give you that impressive improvement in the appearance of your smile.
What are veneers exactly? They are thin shells that are made of tooth-colored material. They fit over the fronts of teeth that have cosmetic imperfections. The process is a simple one. You come in to see our
cosmetic dentist Adams Ridge. You'll be examined to make certain that you're a good candidate for veneers. If you have any questions, that will be the right time to ask them. Assuming that you're prepared to move forward, the next step is the taking of impressions. The dental lab uses them to make your new veneers for the teeth that you want to look better. When you come back in, our cosmetic dentist Adams Ridge fits them to your teeth, and then makes any necessary adjustments. It is important to be sure you are satisfied with the appearance of the and how they feel, because they are a long term treatment that is not reversible. Bonding them to your teeth requires the filing of a minimal amount of material from the teeth in question. To anyone's eyes, including yours, it will seem as if your teeth spontaneously repaired themselves.
Now is the perfect time for you to contact our office and let us schedule a convenient time for you to come in for an examination and consultation with our
cosmetic dentist Adams Ridge. You're going to be very happy with the transformation of your teeth into more appealing ones.
By Rockport Eye Associates
April 30, 2018
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