Okolona teeth cleaning
If you want strong and healthy teeth both now and for the long term, biannual dental visits are important. Of course, they are only one part of the equation, but our
Okolona teeth cleaning provides a way to keep dental plaque and tartar from causing you unnecessary consequences.
Dental health begins with a nutritious diet and limiting your sugar consumption. It's essential to brush twice per day, and to floss every night before bed. Plaque erodes your tooth enamel and irritates your gum. Over time, this can result in severely decayed teeth and inflammation or even infection in your gums. Not all of the plaque you have is eliminated with brushing and flossing. Some hides in gum pockets. Eventually, it hardens into tartar, and that can only be removed with our Okolona teeth cleaning. In addition, a twice-yearly checkup provides x-rays so that cavities, especially small ones, can be detected early, when they can be treated most effectively. Your gums will also be examined, and an oral cancer screening is simple and vital. Of course, Dr. Cochran will also do a visual and physical inspection of your teeth, fillings, restorations, and supporting oral anatomy. Another major benefit to our
Okolona teeth cleaning is that it will put a stop to early stage gum disease, gingivitis, and reverse its effects. In particularly stubborn cases, a second cleaning might be necessary, but if gingivitis is not addressed in a timely manner, it progresses to the advanced stage of periodontitis, which can bring with it receding gums, bleeding gums when you brush, persistent bad breath, erosion of gum and bone tissue, and loose teeth, among other complications.
You can see why coming in every six months makes such a difference in your oral well-being. So please call our office and schedule your appointment right now.
By Rockport Eye Associates
May 1, 2017
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